Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hi you all-Went on the deck today to work on a flower box. Saw a mess on the floor and railing from bird droppings, then turned and looked & a robin was trying to build a nest in a wreath that I had hung on the apartment wall. Had seen him out there on the railing, but never dreamed he would try to build in that inner circle of the small wreath. Had to clean things up & take the wreath down for now. Felt sorry for the bird, but couldn't have the mess. Hopefully dear miss Robin will find a new home to lay her eggs.
Took Evelyn for bone density scan today. They let me go in and watch the thing in progress & very interesting. I saw where her two new spine fractures are & asked the lady tech if that was what I was seeing. She said she couldn't say, but shook her head yes. Our Doctor here is very concerned and trying to get her into a spine surgeon as soon as possible.
Before writing this I had a bad time trying to get in to write a new post. Dumb me found I was using the wrong password after about 30 minutes of trying. I get so frustrated at times with these new things, like computers, cell phones & so on. Don't laugh but life was easier before cars, phones, computers, television, & all the other new gadgets. ( Good old horse and buggy days ). Now that should cause some comments ??
Good night & sleep tight-

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

tuesday night

Watching a yankee ball game, but kinda boring. Was thinking today as summer approaches, the things I miss. My girls as they grew & not spending more time with them. My summer cottage of years ago, which I was forced to sell due to medical bills in the sixties. My home on main street in Interlaken, that was suppose to be my retirement home. Fishing & golf, which I was pretty good at. My riding lawn mower & like fishing it was relaxing. Some would think that statement crazy.
I also was thinking I have moved 21 times, & that might be missing one or two. We talk of moving again from here, to get away from the stairs, which are very hard for Evelyn. Dread the thoughts of doing that though at this point.
Another thing I was good at and miss is bowling. I at one time had the highest game ever bowled in Trumamsburg. Had ten straight strikes and then a spare.
After my thinking, I have to remember I'm very lucky to still be alive & to have experienced all these things. Another thing that is gone is being able to travel, but have good memories of those times.
Tomorrow Ev goes for a bone scan, to see what the steroids are doing to her bones, I guess. From what they say the steroids are what probably is causing the spine fractures. Hopefully while there we will find out what the next step is for her.
Okay enough for now, & will get back to the ball game-

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Week

This is monday & the beginning of a new week. Last week went by fast and quite interesting. i was doing the washing downstairs on monday & as I went to get the clothes at ten p.m., the phine rang. It was the 90 year old neighbor lady & said she was bleeding bad. I rushed over & she sure was. There were pools of blood all over & a mess of blood on the rugs. A vien in her leg had ruptured it looked like. I wrapped it with a towel and called 911. They arrived in about 5 minutes & after the day in the hospital she came home all bandaged up.
On thursday we headed to Ithaca to pick up some MRI films for Evelyn to take to back surgeon in Rochester. After picking them up we decided to try to find the nursing home where my dear friend Dorothy Wickes was staying. She will be 100 in a three months & I worked with her for several years. She was also a dear friend of my Mother's. After running around for an hour we found the place & had a good visit with her. Although confined to wheelchair, or bed her mind was very good and we talked a lot about the past. This took a lot out of Evelyn & was good of her to go along with my seeing Dorothy.
We are now waitng to find out when we can see the surgeon in Rochester, as Evelyn is in a lot of pain most of the time. Our family Doctor is working on this & will hopefully have answers tomorrow.
I had a surprise over the weekend, as my seizures returned. I take meds for that & usually is under control. Just scary when it happens as I am out of it if they are severe, & luckily only one was. Hopefully that was it & no more. we did little over the weekend because of that. Evelyn's grand-daughter came on friday & took her thru the Mall in her wheelchair, which was a treat for her.
Have been watching baseball games at night all week, my Yankee's. All for now from and old retired Dad & Grampa-

Sunday, April 27, 2008

dad's new blog site

This is a site I have set up to write about my past and present, as I get older. I do this for my wonderful family ( my Children & Grandchildren ) & friends. I hope it is of some interest & I will try to write on it as often as possible. For now it is late & just wanted to get it set up & working.
Love to You All