Friday, November 28, 2008

Day After

Friday & everbody out shopping I imagine-I went to Wegmans & hardly anyone there, which is amazing-So I guess the Christmas shoppers aren't after groceries.
Had a nice visit with Sandi today-Could hear Jenna in the background-Sure wish I could be around those two girls some as they grow-
Not doing much else-Reading and watched a Syracuse basketball game, which they won-I tend to read at least a book a week, if I can stay awake-Guess thats good for my old mind, as i get older-
Gas down to $2.01 here today-I think Sandi said about $1.50 there-That sure helps on the old pensioner, even though I don't go far anymore-
Okay everybody that reads this have a good weekend-

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Navy Days

The girls yesterday brought me a picture of a brick with my name on it they had placed at the Sampson Navy Base museum. It is in the walk there and will have to go see it when the museum opens up again in the spring.
I spent many weeks of intense training there in 1944, during a very cold winter. After basics I spent another 12 weeks there in Electrical school. after graduating from there I became what they all jokingly called a bulb snatcher. Then on to SanFrancisco & the war in the Pacific. A great & little scary experience for a 17 year old kid, but also a good lesson in life.
While at Sampson in Basic, I was not suppose to leave the base at any time. My neighbor & family friend back home was the civilian Police Chief on the base. He came down to the barracks one day, found me and asked if I would like to go home for the night. He fixed it up with my Commander & I got on the floor of the back seat of his car & out the gate we went. He being who he was did not have to stop at the gate, just salute and drive on thru. That was a treat that I'm sure few ever had & none of my buddies questioned it, but were only happy for me living so close to the base.
The whole War experience was something you never forget. I spent a good deal of time in the Phillipine Islands, especially after the war was over. That also a great experience, as the part I was in was quite backwards & had some wonderful experiences with the natives and there families. One family I got to know had a daughter who spoke English & taught younger children there. I spent a lot of my free time with her family & always regreted not keeping in touch with them.
One other qick note-Coming from a village of 750 people, I ran into three old buddies while in the Phillipines & spent some time with them. Such a small world I thought at the the time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wonderful Day

Cheryl, Jan, Kathy & George all here today to celebrate my birthday. Can't believe I made it to 81. I know I don't deserve to have made it, but thank the GOOD LORD for this gift of life.
We had a very nice lunch & a good visit. Quite a snowy day, so glad they got here safely & home safely. Just felt so good to have three of my four girls here and see them visit and laugh. That was the best present a Dad could have.
Cried today when I read Jan's last night Blog. It was so wonderful & well written. I'm a lucky man to have such wonderful children-Just called everyone and they got home safe & sound-

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A lazy day & not feeling to hot-Had purchased a turkey at Wegmans for 39 cents a pound, so we cooked that today-After having some for dinner we packaged the rest in meal size packages & put in freezer-Makes about a week of real cheap meals-
Still not comfortable with the med changes & have some funny feelings at times-Hope it goes away soon-
Ev had a call from Vascular surgeon in Rochester today-He doesn't want anyone else, as they had talked about doing any thing with her, but will study her tests and get back to her. He is in NY City this week so it will be another week or so before a decision on what to do next-Very hard on her & some tears, all this wondering and waiting-
I got a call from Med Supply place where we have done business for years-They want me to come in friday morning to take part in a T-V commercial for thier business-I will be glad to do it, as they have been very good and helpful to us over the years-
Kathy coming for lunch tomorrow & guess whats for lunch ( Turkey ) & maybe turkey soup-

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Med week

Another trip to Rochester yesterday-Ev had to see the Vascular surgeon-They wanted to maybe do another reverse by-pass down the right side, as other part is plugged-Said because of all her problems, breathing and so on chances aren't good for survival-She said no thanks, she will live with the pain & discomfort & at least keep living for now-Guess I don't blame her-They were going to call today, but didn't about some other procedure ?
Anyway a busy medical week-Hope things get better, instead of worser-Had trouble with printer tonight & had to delete it and re-install-Hate these modern things at times & love them other times-
Getting late so off to bed-Thanks Morgan for your comment & I LOVE YOU TOO-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Very tired from yesterday.Went to Neurologist in Rochester, as new meds he gave me for siezures was giving some bad problems. Guess a waste of time as he just said nothing else he could do & put me back on original script. Thats the one I have seizures once in a while. said I would have to live with it & watch myself. Not sure I like this Doctor too much, but the second one I've tried & think they are all a little nuts.
After there we had some Chinese lunch & then to Target to look at T-V's. Ours is 17 years old, so time for a new one. Couldn'treally afford it but got a magnavox 32 inch. This will be our Christmas to each other.
Ev didn't get out of the car after lunch. So I did the rest of shopping on my own including the T-V. It hurts her to walk much. She goes back to Rochester on Wenesday to the Vascular surgeon to see if the by-pass is plugged any more. Probably is as each time it gets worse. Nothing more they can do it sounds like. She also goes back to Rochester on the 20th for a spinal injection, which does help her some with her pain. This Rochest trips are the first I have been out of town in a couple months. Seems good but tiring.
Enough of Med problems-All you out there have a wonderful day-

Thursday, November 6, 2008

this & that

Just thinking about bed, as am tired tonite. Not sure why, as I took a nice nap this afternoon. Real nice day & got out for an hour this noon.
Next week we go to Rochester twice to Doctors. Not looking forward to the trip as I get older, but can do it. Monday I go to Dr.Stanton a nuerologist I have been to before, as I am having some bad side effects from meds he prescribed. Hope he can straighten that out.
Wenesday I take Ev to her Vascular Doctor who did her by-pass. Last time they found a lot of 100% blockage in it & will probably do ultra sound to see if any worse. She is having a lot of pain lately. It takes us just one & three quarter hours to get there from here, so a long trip for us, but worth the good doctors up there.
My back is better but still hurts when I walk, or try to lay on my right side. Try to do my therapy each day that they showed me to do. I couldn't do anything for three weeks or more which drove me crazy.
Glad the election is over & hope things work out better for the country. It has gone on too long with all the T-V stuff. I use to be chairman of the town of Covert Republican party & very involved in Seneca County politics. Now I am a registered Independent & strickly vote for the person, not what party they belong to. I worry about the future of this country the way things are right now

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Just realized I haven' written on my Blog site in several weeks-I have been kinda laid up, so that is my reason-Back & meds giving me a hard time, but I'm tough so will survive-
Nothing much going on, because of the above-Finally got so I could drive after three weeks so that is a treat-I think someday that will be the hardest thing to give up-Remember my father had to-
Ev has her 70th birthday tomorrow-She doesn't want to celebrate, so maybe out to dinner-She is just a kid compared to me-Sun shining today, but kinda cold, so staying in-
we had only 32 kids for trick or treating-This is way down from usual-I will now have to eat up the candy-Have lost about 14 pounds from being down and not eating, so would like to leave it off-
Okay really nothing more to write about, so will try more soon as life gets more exciting-Hey that one sentence has three mores in it-