Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Terrible Time

Had a terrible time getting on my blog site this morning-In fact had a bad time finding anything on the internet this morning-
Very humid morning and looks like rain-Still have a funny feeling head today, but I'm sure it will go away-
Had a bad time with our neighbor-He is 98 years old and fell-Cut his head and arm bad-Called the ambulance & the took him to hospital-His wife is 90 & can't handle him during these times, which are plenty lately-He belongs in a Nursing home as he has alzheimers bad & falls at least once a week-He is very heavy to lift and bad on my back when she calls me-
While in the emergency room the nurse was trying to control him, but couldn't-I tried to help & in the process got kick hard in the stomach- So sad to see someone in that condition-Reminds me of my Mother when she lost her mind & also of Phyllis when she did-So hard to cope with people like that-Seems like half my adult life has been around sick people- I love to help, but like the hospital, they should have had some more help there.
After all that they wanted to send him home & in no way could his wife handle him-We put up a stink over that & they finally kept him-Not sure what is next for the old couple ( I call them old, but I'm not far behind )-If I get like him & live long, put me someplace please-My goal right now is to outlive Ev cause she has nothing & also needs my health insurance, plus none of her family close by to help her-
Okay enough of the old stuff, got to think young-I do dream of my younger days a lot & things I did-
My advise to all the young ones in the family-( Live each day as it comes & do what you can to make life worth living)( Do things within your means & not beyond your means )( Be honest with each other & help each other when you can)( There is no better feeling than helping someone when they are down )
A lot more could be said, but my old mind ain't to sharp this morning- I love you all so much & have been so lucky to have family like I have-

Monday, July 14, 2008

Collection Plate

A story on the news tonight reminded me of this in my past. I was a Deacon in the Reform Church in my home town for several years. On Sundays the four Deacon's took up the collection. We would pass the colection plate back and forth across each row, starting in the front row where the plates were kept near there on a table.
This one Sunday the local Postmaster, whom I worked for & was a wonderful man sat in the very back row, which was his usual spot. He was generous, great to work for, a good friend of my Dad & could be a joker at times.
Anyway the particular sunday, I was to recieve the plate when it came across the last row on my side. When it came to him in my amazement he took all the money out and put it in his suit pocket. I couldn't believe it & I had to walk up front for prayers & thank you from the Minister with an empty plate. Nothing was said, but I was red in the face I'm sure.
After Church was getting ready to close for the morning, he walked up front and dumped his pockets out and put a good amount out of his wallett with that money. Everybody got a good laugh out of it, when they realized what had happened.
Another memory of that time the minister was accused of having an affair & was asked to leave the church, which he finally did. Thru the weeks of all the hearings on this with the members & church board, I stuck up for him & said he should have another chance, but the majority didn't agree. He left the Church and got a teaching job in a city school teaching English. I was maybe wrong, but felt everybody deserved a second chance in life.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Young & in Love

A story of the past & probably told before-I was 16 going on 17 & having an affair with my school teacher, whom I later married-She lived in a village 65 miles away when on vacation-She was coming to Geneva during christmas vacation, as I remember- Geneva was 27 miles from where I lived-I took the bus to meet her there & we took in a movie & snack afterwards.
As it worked out I miss the last bus at 11 p.m. going back my way-I decided all I could do was hitch hike-I started walking and being during the war & gas rationing, very little traffic-In fact I remember only six or seven cars all night-a very cold night & some snow-
No one of the few cars would stop, so I walked all the way back to within one mile of my home town-A farmer on his way to town picked me up for the last mile, so a walk of 26 miles on a cold winter night-It took me about 7 & a half hours to do the 26 miles-I was very sore and feet blistered some-Never walked that far again in this lifetime-
Guess these are the things you do when you are young & in love-

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Sorry I have neglected my blog sight for several days-Very hot and humid today, but some rain and cooler on the way
Went to Bank, Store & out to Brother David's new home project for about an hour-He is doing a nice job on that old house, but I think he is realizing that at 66 it is wearing him out some-Also I can tell having his wife in Florida & him up here isn't a good thing- I guess she flies up this weekend for a couple weeks at least-Now he has the problem of getting someone to mow his lawn when he goes back south. The kid next door who has been doing it while he is gone is moving away-Told him if I was younger, I would, but just can't now-
Had blood work done this morning to see how my new meds are working-Won't know for two or three days on that-Not ready to give up driving yet-That one year I couldn't was a killer-
There was a bad accident out front yesterday-They drive so fast down this street, Im surprised there aren't more of them-
For anyone interested the high bank at the lake near Interlaken has thousands of fossils in it. As a child I dug out a lot of arrow heads & shells & other odd things. Not sure how many realize that fact.
Another thing I thought of this morning as I took a shower. When we lived at the lake for five months or so of the year, we always bathed in the lake. Just a cake of soap & no matter how cold, a dip in the lake. Really woke you up for the day-Also when available washed dishes with sand-

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sister Jackie 83 was taken to hospital by ambulance a couple days ago. Went home this morning & they believe her problem was a blood pressure thing and now under control.
Yesterday Cheryl, Michelle, great grandson TJ & brother David here for lunch. Good to see them all & I fed them cheese dogs, chips and potatoe salad.
Out today to pick up Oxygen, banking and groceries. Ev's portable oxygen, six of them last her about two weeks. She doesn't go out that much, so on the home concentrator all the time. That makes pure oxygen from room air.
While at the bank picked up new Arizona quarters. Never thought when they started the new quarters about ten years ago that I would be here to collect them all. Only Alaska & Hawaii left & I will have made it.
Speaking of Hawaii, I spent a couple months there when in the Navy & the most pleasant place I ever visited. Would love to visit again, but only dreaming.
Jan & George told us Morgan & Albert got moved in thier new apartment in Queens & our best to them. Jan & George here monday and gave us our new cell phone, really a neat one. Can even take pictures with it.
Can't believe all the new things in my life time. T-phones,T-V, Computers, auto transmissions in cars, cell phones & much more. To think as I was a child we had not even a phone in our house 7 when I lived some with Grandma, an outhouse.